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What We Do

Some of EPRI’s key service areas. Click on the icons to view detailed information.


Our research is global in scope: current and recent projects include an analysis and costing of a child benefit for Vietnam, a quasi-experimental evaluation of the Child Support Grant in South Africa, construction of a financing model to calculate and compare the estimated costs and impacts of cash transfers in different countries, a feasibility study for a social pension in Malawi, and a review of social protection programmes in Africa.

Study Tours

EPRI has extensive experience in coordinating and conducting study tours that reinforce links between relevant policymakers and officials from participating countries, building consensus and momentum for social protection programme implementation. They also enable South-South learning and foster peer-to-peer networking between countries.

Capacity Building

The Parliamentary Capacity Building Programme was launched in 2000 to promote social and economic development in South Africa by enhancing capacity for economic policy analysis in the public sector. The programme combines academic rigour with policy relevance, applying course material to current challenges parliamentarians face, and includes a strong quantitative and analytical component. Over the past ten years, it has provided in-service, undergraduate and Master’s level degree training to hundreds of Members of Parliament in South Africa and across the southern African region.

Policy Support and Advisory Services

EPRI has provided support and advisory work to DFID, UNICEF, the World Bank, UNFPA, AusAID, GTZ, Irish Aid and a wide range of national governments and non-governmental organisations on six continents. In addition, EPRI recently produced the OECD’s policy guidance on social protection and a good practice note on social transfers, commissioned by the Povnet. For more information on EPRI’s extensive international experience please see our Institutional Profile.