Jan 18, 2021 | Media, Social Protection, Webinar
Global Webinar I Coordinating Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems in Humanitarian Settings Wednesday, 20 January at 10:30 AM GMT+2. Shock-responsive social protection systems and crisis interventions require coordination and collaboration among developmental,...
Jul 23, 2016 | Media, Social Protection
Interview with Michael Samson (Economic Policy Research Institute – EPRI) during the From Protection to Production (PtoP) Regional Workshop “Strengthening Coherence between Agriculture and Social Protection” in Cape Town, November 2014. FAO, with support from UNICEF...
May 23, 2016 | Conferences, Media, Social Protection
Issues in Economic Strengthening and Health Functioning Research for Children and Adolescents: Social Protection’s role in Economic Strengthening as a response to HIV/AIDS 13 May 2014 This is the ninth of 15 videos of this conference, which was held on May 13,...