Our Institutional Profile
The Economic Policy Research Institute (EPRI), incorporated as an independent not-for-profit institution (section 21 corporation) in South Africa, began operating in 1994, focusing on mobilising an evidence base on pro-poor social and economic policies, particularly social protection. EPRI conducts research, provides policy advisory services and technical assistance and delivers capacity building programmes that serve governments, international organisations and development partners around the world.
EPRI recently produced the OECD’s policy guidance on social protection and a good practice note on social transfers, commissioned by the Povnet. EPRI supports DFID, UNICEF, the World Bank, UNFPA, AusAID, GTZ, Irish Aid and a range of national governments and non-governmental organisations on six continents with activities including social protection research, policy advisory work and capacity building. EPRI offers courses on social protection in Africa and Asia which have trained over 400 government officials and development workers.
● impact evaluation of South Africa’s Child Support Grant for government and UNICEF, ● impact evaluation of Mozambique’s food subsidy cash transfers for government, HelpAge and UNICEF, ● design and implementation for Kenya’s cash transfer programme, including an open-source management information system, ● Africa-wide workshop on open-source management information systems, ● evaluation of Zimbabwe’s social protection interventions, ● technical support for the design of social cash transfer programmes for children in Lesotho, Senegal and Rwanda (for UNICEF) and for poor households in Ghana and Uganda, ● annual social cash transfer courses in Cape Town and other courses.
● technical assistance to Pakistan’s child support grant programme, ● technical assistance to capacity building initiatives in support of Pakistan’s social protection framework process, ● research, consultations and consensus building for Nepal’s social protection policy process, ● capacity building for the Government of Nepal’s cash transfer benefitting young children, ● annual social cash transfer courses in Thailand for 60 government officials each year, ● assessment of social protection programme in Bangladesh, ● technical assistance for monitoring and evaluation in Bangladesh.
Australia & Pacific
● technical assistance to Pakistan’s child support grant programme, ● technical assistance to capacity building initiatives in support of Pakistan’s social protection framework process, ● research, consultations and consensus building for Nepal’s social protection policy process, ● capacity building for the Government of Nepal’s cash transfer benefitting young children, ● annual social cash transfer courses in Thailand for 60 government officials each year, ● assessment of social protection programme in Bangladesh, ● technical assistance for monitoring and evaluation in Bangladesh.
● produced the OECD’s policy guidance note on social protection and the good practice paper on social cash transfers; ● presented at workshops and conferences for DFID and ODI in London; ● support social protection training programmes organised by the Institute for Development Studies (UK), ● support social protection training programmes organised by Maastricht University.
North America
● present in workshops organised by UNICEF/New York, ● support social cash transfer courses at Williams College Center for Development Economics (USA), ● partnership meetings and consultations with M&E experts at the IFPRI and University of Wisconsin/Madison.
South America
● social protection impact evaluation training course in Bolivia for government officials from the region; ● training course in Ecuador for government officials from the region.