The International Conference aims to share experiences from Nepal and other countries (in the region) to promote informed policy debate and decision-making to support the Government of Nepal and the relevant ministries in its efforts to promote and advance its social protection agenda for a more inclusive future for all.
Dr Michael Samson (Director of Research) and Ms Preksha Golchha will have a policy dialogue on Investing in the future: Child and family benefits: Panellists in the session will discuss experiences, potential and challenges of child and family benefits, such as Child Grants, as a key way to invest in future generations. The session will discuss Nepal’s current plans to expand the Child Grant and bring other experiences on how different countries have moved towards universal coverage. It will discuss some of the emerging evidences about Cash plus and how other key services can enhance impacts. This will be drawn from the current research conducted by EPRI in Nepal.
The session streams at 14:00 – 15:30 (GMT +5:45):
Watch the livestream here: